Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Merry Christmas To All

I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a warm and wonderful Christmas. This year has been filled with broad strokes and colourful washes, and I know that 2011 will be even better! I'll begin posting again in the New Year.

Until then may you dream in watercolour and live your days as an art.
Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Welcoming Winter

Twilight on the Mountain, 7x5

It's the 21st and that means Winter is here to stay. Being Canadian I certainly know how many people hate Winter (but LOVE to complain about it!). Personally I've always loved Winter. The snow, the crisp clean air, the soft blue light cast over the city. To welcome Winter I plan to slip on an extra pair of wool socks, fill my hot water bottle to the brim and sip a mug of creamy hot chocolate.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Matter of Shades

Vintage Vacation in Shades of Teal, 10x8

I've always loved black and white vintage photographs. It's amazing how the subtle shades of a single colour can create all the depth in an image. I wanted to reproduce that look in watercolour. I started by finding a vintage vacation shot in colour. I then painted the image using just shades of teal. I think it's a process worth further experimentation. Perhaps I'll add a bit of complimentary colour to my next attempt.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

And The Winner Is...

A big BIG thank you to all of you who sent me your suggestions. I'm eager to sit down and start painting some new works.

So who won? A.K from Chicago!! She didn't want her name published online and I respect that wish. I've already contacted the winner and I'll mail out the gift certificate bright and early tomorrow morning.

Again a very big thank you to everyone!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Last Call...

Just a reminder that my contest closes tonight at 12am eastern. There's still time to enter though,  just send me an email with suggestions for subjects you'd like me to paint. It can be anything - an animal, an object, a landscape. The draw will occur early tomorrow morning.
Good Luck

Friday, November 26, 2010

Where Have All The Red Squirrels Gone?

Squirrel on a Log, 8x10
When I was a kid I loved to watch the squirrels running around my West Toronto neighbourhood. I especially loved the reddish squirrels spied in amongst the black and grey ones. Flash forward 20 years and there's not a red squirrel to be seen anywhere. Apparently they've been breed out by the exploding grey and black varieties (which in and of themselves are variations of the same thing).

I still keep my eyes open though, especially in large parks. I'm ever hopeful I'll catch a glimpse of elusive red fur.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bring on the Bunnies

Bunny in the Grass, 8x10

Aside from requests for custom pet portraits what I often get asked to paint are bunnies. And how can I refuse? Bunnies are great fun to paint - they're fluffy, expressive and have fabulous ears!! I plan to sit down next week and finish as many bunnies as I possibly can. I'll even give it the apt, if uncreative, name of 'Bunny Week'. Can't wait to get started.

Check out my Etsy store ( if you've got a thing for bunnies too!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Digital Experiment

The original watercolour

After some digital magic

I love to play around with Photoshop to create digital illustrations from simple pen and ink drawings. I was curious to find out what would happen if I started with a drawing done in simple watercolour instead of pen. I was pleasantly surprised to see how the shading from the original watercolour created lovely textured lines when Photoshop worked it's magic. I can't wait to see what else can be done with this technique.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


To celebrate the launch of the new gift certificates in my Etsy store I'm running a contest. All you need to do is email me with a suggestion for a painting subject. It can be anything you'd love to see listed in my shop, from an animal, to a breed of dog, to a still life, to a landscape.

Simply email me with your suggestions and I'll enter your name in a draw. For each suggestion I receive I'll enter your name i.e. 5 suggestions = 5 entries. Chances of winning depend on how many suggestions I receive. Contest closes Nov. 30. Draw occurs Dec 1.

(copy and paste this address if you use yahoo, gmail, hotmail etc.)


The winner of the draw will win a $25 gift certificate to use towards any painting in my shop. I'll contact the winner the same day I draw the prize.

GOOD LUCK & get those suggestions flowing my way!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Faithful Friends

While cleaning my brushes this weekend I thought about how long I've had some of them. The 2 featured above have been with me the longest, since before my fashion school days. They've painted everything from conceptual costume designs to strange naked life models to Art Nouveau lamps to my old dog Schaffer.

The handles are a bit rough, chipped in places and cracked in others. The bristles are permanently stained turquoise, evidence of my favourite colour to paint with. But otherwise they're still in great shape and always ready to paint whatever it is I ask them to paint next.

Monday, November 8, 2010

2 New Additions

 In the past few weeks I've added 2 new animals to the zoo. I'm now up to 6!!

I took in my sister's dog Tina because she just hasn't adjusted to my 1 year old nephew. What can I say, she's the jealous type.

Tina the Snoodle

Widget the cat was found on a construction site by my neighbour. He has some serious birth defects including an arched spine that forces him to hop like a bunny. He also has 4 (yes 4!) front paws. But you'd never guess he has so many problems - he's smart and sweet and happy. He's also very determined and just gets on with things. I admire him greatly.

Widget the Cat

Friday, November 5, 2010

When Good Paintings Go Bad

Original portrait of Orange Peel, 8x10

Final Portrait of Orange Peel, 6x6

I adore orange tabbies and wanted to paint a portrait of my very own Orange Peel. All went well until I started to paint the ruff under his neck - and just kept painting and painting and painting!

And while Orange Peel IS growing his thick winter coat, the portrait made it look like his head was being swallowed by his neck!

I couldn't stand the painting the way it was so I decided to cut it down and focus on Orangie's face. Much, much better!

Orange Peel approves as well.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Apple Love

Apple Love, 7x5   November 2010

The apples this Fall have been great - sweet, crisp and juicy just like they should be. I even got the chance just before Halloween to visit a farm and choose my very own bushel basket brimming with Macs.

I felt I should share my apple love with the world!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Healthy Snacking

Recently I've decided to try and improve my snacking habits. My studio is always well stocked with all manner of sugary goodness. Cookies, candies, chocolate, more cookies...

Unfortunately I come from a very long line of women who have a severe sweet tooth so I don't know how successful I'll be. I've vowed to clear out all the junk food in my studio and replace it with good stuff - after all the delicious treats that are currently here are gone of course!

Next vice to tackle? My 8 cup a day tea habit!!

Favourite Snack, 8x10

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Stepping Out in Style c.1750

While in fashion school I always geared my projects towards the history of costume when ever I could. I've never lost my love of things frilly and embroidered and boned - even if I'm glad I don't have to wear them myself.

Love these women's shoes by Thomas Ridout c.1750-70. Changed the original cream to a lovely sky blue.

Stepping Out in Style c. 1750

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is Thanksgiving Monday up here in Canada. It's blissfully quiet for the moment after weeks of construction on the road outside my house. The weather is lovely and the autumn colours are even lovelier.

I went hunting for fallen leaves this morning, my furry side-kick Schaffer the dog helping with the search. I found a $20 bill (!) - and these lovely leaves. What a lucky day, I think I'll spend that found money on more watercolour paper.

Found Leaves 2

Found Leaves 1

Friday, October 8, 2010

Can Salmon Ever Run

Last weekend I had the very great privilege of witnessing Salmon running up the rapids of the Ganaraska river in Port Hope Ontario. I had the perfect view from the window of my 165 year-old Inn which was perched on the edge of the river.

Truly what an amazing sight! To witness the effort these salmon exerted fighting the force of the water was humbling. I felt the elation of a successful leap and crushing defeat when the river pushed them back. My sister and I clutched the windowsill as we loudly cheered the Salmon on.

A sight like this makes me fully appreciate the drive of an instinct that forces the salmon on an exhausting, weeks long journey to make it back to their birth river to spawn.

Sketch of a salmon running, Oct 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Who Doesn't Love Ice Cream?

The weather might be getting colder but I strongly believe that ice cream can be enjoyed what ever the season. While I sat huddled under a blanket enjoying my bowl of super rich, super fabulous chocolate ice cream I watched the dog and one of the cats watching me. They LOVE ice cream and are forever hopeful that I will pass a spoonful their way.

I always give in. They got their spoonful each. Who doesn't love ice cream?

Who Doesn't Love Ice Cream, 8x10

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Recently I've been trying to loosen up my painting style a bit. After all watercolour is free form, and exciting and unpredictable. So I gave myself a painting exercise to help get my paint flowing.

The Exercise:
I limited myself to just 3 paint colours, cadmium yellow light, alizarin crimson and payne's gray for shading. I also gave myself a time limit of 30 min (including drying time between layers).

This is the result. What do you think?

Bunny in Shades of Yellow and Red, 5x7

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Saw an Owl While Walking

I came across an owl last night while walking my dog through my southwest Toronto neighbourhood. He was calmly sitting on my neighbours picket fence under an (almost) full moon. I sometimes hear this owl but seldom see felt like a special occasion.

Woke up this morning and had to paint an owl!

Great Horned Owl Up Close and Personal 1 - 8x10 - $45

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Let Me Introduce you to the Gang...

Before I really get going here I wanted to introduce the support team behind Water In My Paint - my merry band of strays and runaways.

Without my 'bandmates' I'd never paint or be happy!

(Left) BRONIE: He'll never believe he's actually a runt, not a fearsome warrior
(Right) SCHAFFER: A true and honest gentleman

(Left) PHOEBE: Evil, but in a fun way
(Right) ORANGE PEEL: Always hard at work...sleeping

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I've taken the plunge...

I've done it!! I've just plunged head first into the deep end of the blogging pool. And while I may know how to swim, I'm not sure I'll have enough interesting things to say to keep me afloat in the world of blogging. So please be patient while I flail about dramatically as I try to find my voice. I'll either get stronger with each post - practice as they say makes perfect - or I'll swallow a mouthful of words and sink like a stone.

What's this blog about you rightly ask. The short answer is art. The longer answer is my art - my watercolours actually - and everything that inspires my work. Since blogging is basically about self-promotion that's what I'll do, promote my art.

My favourite painting subjects: animals, food, animals, nature, animals, domestic animals and finally animals.

I just plain love to paint animals. Here's an intro to my work: