Sunday, September 12, 2010

I've taken the plunge...

I've done it!! I've just plunged head first into the deep end of the blogging pool. And while I may know how to swim, I'm not sure I'll have enough interesting things to say to keep me afloat in the world of blogging. So please be patient while I flail about dramatically as I try to find my voice. I'll either get stronger with each post - practice as they say makes perfect - or I'll swallow a mouthful of words and sink like a stone.

What's this blog about you rightly ask. The short answer is art. The longer answer is my art - my watercolours actually - and everything that inspires my work. Since blogging is basically about self-promotion that's what I'll do, promote my art.

My favourite painting subjects: animals, food, animals, nature, animals, domestic animals and finally animals.

I just plain love to paint animals. Here's an intro to my work:

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