Thursday, November 17, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Birdie Dances Again

Ballet Birdie No.4, 8x10

Susan decided that the best way to strengthen her ankles for dancing was to walk around the house in her pointe shoes. OK, she actually just likes to be taller than her twin sister.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Shocking Secret

A Shocking Secret, 10x8

Both Widget and Samuel assume that gossip is strictly a female pursuit. Of course when THEY have a juicy secret to share that's just spreading information!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Ballet Birdie

Ballet Birdie, 8x10

Sarah loves everything about the art of Ballet. The discipline, the beauty, the artistry and the physicality. But after years of pointe work her scarred toes look strange in open toed shoes. She wears them with pride anyway - we are nothing if not a collection of scars we've overcome.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Vintage Hats

Bunny in a Hat, 8x10

For Mabel what began as a desperate attempt to hide a bad dye job - splotchy purple ears don't look good on ANYONE - resulted in a new fashion staple. Now she's famous around town for her remarkable vintage cloche collection. We all need to be known for something!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Cowboy

The Cowboy, 8x10

Somewhat confused by who the term 'Cowboy' actually refers to, Fred decided that because he's a cow and a boy he must be a Cowboy. Luckily he has the perfect hat!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Grandfather's Hat

My Grandpa's Hat, 8x10

Charlie's favourite hat is one he found in the back of his Grandfather's closet. Instantly smitten he wears it everywhere he goes. His girlfriend thinks he looks like a gangster but Charlie loves it's air of sophisticated danger - which doesn't hurt when you only weigh 12lbs!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

On the Lookout for Ice Cream

On the Lookout, 8x10

Fred and Flutter spent the day at the park. It was great fun but awfully hot. They decided that an ice cream cone would cool them off nicely. So the hunt was on for an ice cream truck. They found one of course - what ice cream truck can avoid a crowded park on a hot summer's day?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Seek Out Good Things

Seek Out Good Things, 8x10

Who says that avoiding temptation is always a wise thing? Head for good things at full steam!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Coffee Addicts

Squirrels Love Coffee Too, 8x10

Scotty just wants to set the record straight. Squirrels don't get their frenetic energy from nuts or nervous excitement - they're actually addicted to coffee!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

BFF's Forever

BFF Bunnies, 10x8

Best friends since childhood Roxy and Tufts are inseparable.  Recently they decided to make and exchange friendship bracelets. Somehow, while tying on each others bracelets, they managed to get badly knotted together. For a time, before they were able to cut free, they were literally inseparable.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty, 8x10

Inspired by a bedtime story Violet decided to test whether or not she was actually a princess. She gathered all the pillows she could find, stacked them in a pile and slipped a pea between the bottom two.  She got a good night's sleep so she supposes she's not a princess after all. But that's OK, a good night's sleep is worth more than being a princess.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Online Shopping

Basset in a Hat, 8x10

A recent convert to Internet shopping, Mabel ordered herself a pretty new hat. Unfortunately she somehow chose XXS as her size. Undeterred she set her hat at a jaunty angle and wore it proudly. She thinks she started a new trend.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Favourite Chair

My Favourite Chair, 8x10

Timmy loves to read and has many favourite books. He also has a favourite chair. Sturdy, sophisticated and with great lumbar support, this chair makes him feel like a little prince when he sits in it.  Most importantly though it's warm and cozy, and when he snuggles deeply he feels warm and protected.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Master Gardener

Smells Like Spring, 8x10

Harold decided he wanted a flower garden this Spring. He did all of the hard work required of a garden, such as driving to the store, choosing his flowers and lugging them home. He was very pleased with the results and now considers himself a master gardener.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

In My Next Life I'll be a Detective

Squirrel in a Fedora, 8x10

A rabid fan of mystery novels, Henry dreamed of becoming a detective. His first step was to buy a fedora at a second-hand shop to help look the part. Now he spends his days as a bus driver and his nights as a grizzled gumshoe (actually he just wears his hat in bed while reading his mysteries but that's kind of like being an actual detective, right?)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Still Fascinating

Lovely Lady, 8x10

Margaret's newest fashion purchase was a wonderfully, feathery fastinator. She felt it struck the right balance between chic and sophisticated. Her boyfriend just felt sorry for the people who sat behind her at the movie theatre the other night.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Fancy Bird, 8x10

Inspired by the royal wedding Beatrice started wearing a fastinator. She loved it so much she wore it everywhere - even to her yoga class. Downward dogs became a challenge but great fashion is worth any discomfort.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

At The Gallery A Third Time

At The Gallery No.3, 8x10

Inspired by a recent visit to the Art Gallery Silvie decided to become an artist. The fact that she had never before picked up a paint brush didn't intimidate her in the least. She ended up with far more paint in her fur than on the actual canvas but she thought it was a good start to her career. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


To celebrate one fabulous year on Etsy I'm having a sale. 20% off store wide!!...GO NOW...Hurry

Use code HAPPY1ST at checkout:)

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Spektacular Chihuahua

Spektacular Chihuahua, 8x10

In an attempt to impress the girl he had a crush on, Sebastian decided he needed to look wiser and more distinguished. He borrowed his older brothers glasses, even though they were much too big for him. He thought he could make it work.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thrift Store Find

Spektacular Bunny, 8x10

Robbie recently found these heart-shaped glasses at a thrift store. He felt they struck the right balance between serious scholar and fun-loving party animal. His girlfriend wasn't convinced but what could she say?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Childhood Dreams

Grey Rabbit, 8x10

When Simon was a child his Hippie parents hoped that he would become a famous poet or singer/songwriter. But what Simon loved to do the most was add and subtract numbers. He's now a happily settled accountant in Toronto.

Monday, April 11, 2011

At The Gallery a Second Time

At The Gallery No.2, 8x10

George felt he needed more culture in his life so he spent the day at the Art Gallery. He loved the bold colours of the modern art but for the life of him couldn't figure out what it all meant. He decided to go home and think about the meaning of Art with the help of a big cup of tea and a bigger slice of cake.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tough Decisions

Tough Decisions, 8x10

After trying all of her purses, Sophie still couldn't decide which purse best matched her outfit. Her friends didn't have the heart to tell her that her white fur matched ALL of the purses!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Got the Giggles

Got the Giggles, 8x10

By nature Silver the Kitten is a very serious fellow. For his 3 month Birthday he was given a pair of plastic antlers for his dress-up box. The first time he put them on he burst into great whoops of laughter. He laughed so much his stomach hurt! Now whenever the weight of his worries press down on his little shoulders he slips on his antlers and all is right with the world.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Frog In A Tea Cup

Frog In A Tea Cup, 8x10

For Newton, what started as a single sip at a friend's tea party developed into a full-fledged addiction. No longer content to just drink his tea he now enjoys taking his baths in a giant tea-filled cup.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Playing Dress Up

Playing Dress Up, 8x10

Of all the costume pieces Daisy has in her dress up box the bunny ears are her absolute favourite. When she wears them she feels very tall and grown up. For some reason she also always developes a desperate craving for carrots.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sitting in the Grass Considering a New Haircut

Sitting in the Grass, 8x10

Barry sat in the grass considering his new haircut. He thought perhaps that the barber had taken too much off the top. His girlfriend commiserated but secretly didn't think he looked any different.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

At The Gallery

At The Gallery, 8x10

In the afternoon Oliver went to the Art Gallery where he spent much of his time in the Contemporary Canadian section. He enjoyed it very much and wondered if perhaps he was meant to become a sculptor after viewing a piece featuring a rusty bike wheel that looked very much like a pile of junk he'd created in his backyard.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Early Bird Needs Coffee

The Early Bird Needs Coffee No.2, 8x10

The Early Bird needs coffee because without it the Early Bird becomes a Night Owl.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stopping to Admire the Orchid

Stopping to Admire the Orchid, 8x10

Snowball the Rabbit stops to admire his lovely pink orchid. It recently took first prize in the County Fair's Amateur Orchid Growers division. At times the competition was fierce, he was even nipped by fellow competitor Mr.Rat.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Charlie and the Giant Cupcake

Charlie and the Giant Cupcake, 8x10

After hours spent cleaning his room, Charlie decides to celebrate his efforts with a giant, messy cupcake. He left sticky icing and chocolate crumbs smeared all over the kitchen. It seemed to take Charlie's Mother hours to clean up after his celebratory mess.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Here Comes the Army

Frog, 8x10

I just found out today that a group of frogs is called an army. An army!! I can't for the life of me understand why. Perhaps their khaki green colouring? An army of frogs marching towards me just doesn't seem that intimidating, no matter how big the army. This is the best animal fact I've heard in a long time!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Do Rabbits Grind Their Teeth at Night?

What a Handsome Boy, 8x10

 Rabbits have just 28 teeth compared to our 32. Maybe that's why they don't grind their teeth at night and wake up with stiff, aching jaws. Just had my dentist make me a night guard to help with this problem. I've only worn it for 2 nights now but it's proving to be a bit of a challenge to get used to. But I am absolutely determined - it was the most expensive 2 1/2" piece of plastic I've ever bought!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Little Black Cat Leaves His Mark

A Day At The Beach, 4x6

I like to bring out a painting that was finished months before to have a  look at it with fresh eyes. I find it helpful to consider what I like, what I don't like and what I really wish I could change. 

Last week I took out an 8x10 watercolour of a beach scene. The phone rang so I left the painting on my desk and headed upstairs to answer it. When I got back to my studio I found my little black cat Bronie sitting on the painting smiling at me proudly. He'd left a trail of muddy footprints across the surface. How can I blame him for his desire to be an artist?

I was able to salvage this 4x6 section - my favourite part so all was well, I guess...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In Good Company

Red-Eyed Tree Frog No.1, 8x10

To further the theme of my last post my nocturnal habits keep my in very good company. One of my favourite subjects to paint - the Red-Eyed tree frog - is also a creature of the night. Which is why they have those lovely, big red eyes in the first place. Apparently they suddenly pop open if a predator stumbles upon a sleeping frog. The bright red colour (hopefully) startles the predator enough to chase it away. The proper name for this adaptation is 'startle colouration', and yes that really is the proper name!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Singing to the Dusk

Eastern Yellow Robin No.1, 8x10

For most of my life I've been a devoted night owl. Often lectured on "wasting the day" I've tried to get myself on a regular 'working word' routine. I REALLY have tired. But no go, hasn't happened yet. Admittedly I do miss waking up to the robins celebrating the dawn, so I like to imagine as the Eastern Yellow Robin serenades the dawn in Australia I can hear it all the way in Toronto as I wake.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Litter Training The Herd

Rabbit No.1, 8x10

Did you know that a group of rabbits is called a herd? Some how the sight of a herd of rabbits just isn't as impressive as a herd of say, cattle. But unlike cows, rabbits can be litter trained which IS impressive. I can remember delicately picking my way around cow pies in my grandparents pasture during my long ago summer visits. I really would have appreciated a big litter box for the cows.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ruminating About Robins

Robin, 8x10

It's very cold in my basement studio today, burrrr. I've even had to resort to wrapping a blanket around me like a mummy to keep warm. I've decided to think about robins instead of the cold, because robins always make me think of Spring and the warmer days to come.

Fact: The male American robin sings a lovely song often described as a 'carol'.

Fact: The robin was featured on Canada's $2 bill in 1986. I can remember that bill, though now of course we have a $2 coin. I used to love the reddish-brown colour of the $2 bill. My admiration might also have something to do with having found a $2 bill in a parking lot when I was about 9 or 10. I was convinced I was now rich!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

That's Staggering

Stag Head, 5x7

There are approximately 40 species of deer spanning the globe from North America to Asia. Of all those species only one doesn't grow antlers.

Deers are also excellent swimmers. It would be a cold, snowy dip out there today!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

One Bucking Big Rabbit

The Big One, 8x10

One of my New Year's resolutions is to post MUCH more regularly on this blog. So here is the first of many entertaining, and no doubt clever (wink), posts to come in 2011!

I'm also going to add weird and interesting animal facts to each new post. Since this is the year of the rabbit I'll start with well, Rabbits.

Weird Fact: This big guy has to be a boy, or should I say a buck? Male rabbits are referred to as bucks, females as does and babies as kits. For some reason I find that strange.