Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Little Black Cat Leaves His Mark

A Day At The Beach, 4x6

I like to bring out a painting that was finished months before to have a  look at it with fresh eyes. I find it helpful to consider what I like, what I don't like and what I really wish I could change. 

Last week I took out an 8x10 watercolour of a beach scene. The phone rang so I left the painting on my desk and headed upstairs to answer it. When I got back to my studio I found my little black cat Bronie sitting on the painting smiling at me proudly. He'd left a trail of muddy footprints across the surface. How can I blame him for his desire to be an artist?

I was able to salvage this 4x6 section - my favourite part so all was well, I guess...


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