Rabbits have just 28 teeth compared to our 32. Maybe that's why they don't grind their teeth at night and wake up with stiff, aching jaws. Just had my dentist make me a night guard to help with this problem. I've only worn it for 2 nights now but it's proving to be a bit of a challenge to get used to. But I am absolutely determined - it was the most expensive 2 1/2" piece of plastic I've ever bought!
I like to bring out a painting that was finished months before to have a look at it with fresh eyes. I find it helpful to consider what I like, what I don't like and what I really wish I could change.
Last week I took out an 8x10 watercolour of a beach scene. The phone rang so I left the painting on my desk and headed upstairs to answer it. When I got back to my studio I found my little black cat Bronie sitting on the painting smiling at me proudly. He'd left a trail of muddy footprints across the surface. How can I blame him for his desire to be an artist?
I was able to salvage this 4x6 section - my favourite part so all was well, I guess...