Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In Good Company

Red-Eyed Tree Frog No.1, 8x10

To further the theme of my last post my nocturnal habits keep my in very good company. One of my favourite subjects to paint - the Red-Eyed tree frog - is also a creature of the night. Which is why they have those lovely, big red eyes in the first place. Apparently they suddenly pop open if a predator stumbles upon a sleeping frog. The bright red colour (hopefully) startles the predator enough to chase it away. The proper name for this adaptation is 'startle colouration', and yes that really is the proper name! 


Friday, January 14, 2011

Singing to the Dusk

Eastern Yellow Robin No.1, 8x10

For most of my life I've been a devoted night owl. Often lectured on "wasting the day" I've tried to get myself on a regular 'working word' routine. I REALLY have tired. But no go, hasn't happened yet. Admittedly I do miss waking up to the robins celebrating the dawn, so I like to imagine as the Eastern Yellow Robin serenades the dawn in Australia I can hear it all the way in Toronto as I wake.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Litter Training The Herd

Rabbit No.1, 8x10

Did you know that a group of rabbits is called a herd? Some how the sight of a herd of rabbits just isn't as impressive as a herd of say, cattle. But unlike cows, rabbits can be litter trained which IS impressive. I can remember delicately picking my way around cow pies in my grandparents pasture during my long ago summer visits. I really would have appreciated a big litter box for the cows.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Ruminating About Robins

Robin, 8x10

It's very cold in my basement studio today, burrrr. I've even had to resort to wrapping a blanket around me like a mummy to keep warm. I've decided to think about robins instead of the cold, because robins always make me think of Spring and the warmer days to come.

Fact: The male American robin sings a lovely song often described as a 'carol'.

Fact: The robin was featured on Canada's $2 bill in 1986. I can remember that bill, though now of course we have a $2 coin. I used to love the reddish-brown colour of the $2 bill. My admiration might also have something to do with having found a $2 bill in a parking lot when I was about 9 or 10. I was convinced I was now rich! 


Thursday, January 6, 2011

That's Staggering

Stag Head, 5x7

There are approximately 40 species of deer spanning the globe from North America to Asia. Of all those species only one doesn't grow antlers.

Deers are also excellent swimmers. It would be a cold, snowy dip out there today!


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

One Bucking Big Rabbit

The Big One, 8x10

One of my New Year's resolutions is to post MUCH more regularly on this blog. So here is the first of many entertaining, and no doubt clever (wink), posts to come in 2011!

I'm also going to add weird and interesting animal facts to each new post. Since this is the year of the rabbit I'll start with well, Rabbits.

Weird Fact: This big guy has to be a boy, or should I say a buck? Male rabbits are referred to as bucks, females as does and babies as kits. For some reason I find that strange.