Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Healthy Snacking

Recently I've decided to try and improve my snacking habits. My studio is always well stocked with all manner of sugary goodness. Cookies, candies, chocolate, more cookies...

Unfortunately I come from a very long line of women who have a severe sweet tooth so I don't know how successful I'll be. I've vowed to clear out all the junk food in my studio and replace it with good stuff - after all the delicious treats that are currently here are gone of course!

Next vice to tackle? My 8 cup a day tea habit!!

Favourite Snack, 8x10

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Stepping Out in Style c.1750

While in fashion school I always geared my projects towards the history of costume when ever I could. I've never lost my love of things frilly and embroidered and boned - even if I'm glad I don't have to wear them myself.

Love these women's shoes by Thomas Ridout c.1750-70. Changed the original cream to a lovely sky blue.

Stepping Out in Style c. 1750


Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is Thanksgiving Monday up here in Canada. It's blissfully quiet for the moment after weeks of construction on the road outside my house. The weather is lovely and the autumn colours are even lovelier.

I went hunting for fallen leaves this morning, my furry side-kick Schaffer the dog helping with the search. I found a $20 bill (!) - and these lovely leaves. What a lucky day, I think I'll spend that found money on more watercolour paper.

Found Leaves 2

Found Leaves 1


Friday, October 8, 2010

Can Salmon Ever Run

Last weekend I had the very great privilege of witnessing Salmon running up the rapids of the Ganaraska river in Port Hope Ontario. I had the perfect view from the window of my 165 year-old Inn which was perched on the edge of the river.

Truly what an amazing sight! To witness the effort these salmon exerted fighting the force of the water was humbling. I felt the elation of a successful leap and crushing defeat when the river pushed them back. My sister and I clutched the windowsill as we loudly cheered the Salmon on.

A sight like this makes me fully appreciate the drive of an instinct that forces the salmon on an exhausting, weeks long journey to make it back to their birth river to spawn.


Sketch of a salmon running, Oct 2010