Thursday, September 30, 2010

Who Doesn't Love Ice Cream?

The weather might be getting colder but I strongly believe that ice cream can be enjoyed what ever the season. While I sat huddled under a blanket enjoying my bowl of super rich, super fabulous chocolate ice cream I watched the dog and one of the cats watching me. They LOVE ice cream and are forever hopeful that I will pass a spoonful their way.

I always give in. They got their spoonful each. Who doesn't love ice cream?

Who Doesn't Love Ice Cream, 8x10

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Recently I've been trying to loosen up my painting style a bit. After all watercolour is free form, and exciting and unpredictable. So I gave myself a painting exercise to help get my paint flowing.

The Exercise:
I limited myself to just 3 paint colours, cadmium yellow light, alizarin crimson and payne's gray for shading. I also gave myself a time limit of 30 min (including drying time between layers).

This is the result. What do you think?

Bunny in Shades of Yellow and Red, 5x7

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Saw an Owl While Walking

I came across an owl last night while walking my dog through my southwest Toronto neighbourhood. He was calmly sitting on my neighbours picket fence under an (almost) full moon. I sometimes hear this owl but seldom see felt like a special occasion.

Woke up this morning and had to paint an owl!

Great Horned Owl Up Close and Personal 1 - 8x10 - $45

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Let Me Introduce you to the Gang...

Before I really get going here I wanted to introduce the support team behind Water In My Paint - my merry band of strays and runaways.

Without my 'bandmates' I'd never paint or be happy!

(Left) BRONIE: He'll never believe he's actually a runt, not a fearsome warrior
(Right) SCHAFFER: A true and honest gentleman

(Left) PHOEBE: Evil, but in a fun way
(Right) ORANGE PEEL: Always hard at work...sleeping

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I've taken the plunge...

I've done it!! I've just plunged head first into the deep end of the blogging pool. And while I may know how to swim, I'm not sure I'll have enough interesting things to say to keep me afloat in the world of blogging. So please be patient while I flail about dramatically as I try to find my voice. I'll either get stronger with each post - practice as they say makes perfect - or I'll swallow a mouthful of words and sink like a stone.

What's this blog about you rightly ask. The short answer is art. The longer answer is my art - my watercolours actually - and everything that inspires my work. Since blogging is basically about self-promotion that's what I'll do, promote my art.

My favourite painting subjects: animals, food, animals, nature, animals, domestic animals and finally animals.

I just plain love to paint animals. Here's an intro to my work: