Thursday, June 23, 2011

Ballet Birdie

Ballet Birdie, 8x10

Sarah loves everything about the art of Ballet. The discipline, the beauty, the artistry and the physicality. But after years of pointe work her scarred toes look strange in open toed shoes. She wears them with pride anyway - we are nothing if not a collection of scars we've overcome.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Vintage Hats

Bunny in a Hat, 8x10

For Mabel what began as a desperate attempt to hide a bad dye job - splotchy purple ears don't look good on ANYONE - resulted in a new fashion staple. Now she's famous around town for her remarkable vintage cloche collection. We all need to be known for something!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Cowboy

The Cowboy, 8x10

Somewhat confused by who the term 'Cowboy' actually refers to, Fred decided that because he's a cow and a boy he must be a Cowboy. Luckily he has the perfect hat!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Grandfather's Hat

My Grandpa's Hat, 8x10

Charlie's favourite hat is one he found in the back of his Grandfather's closet. Instantly smitten he wears it everywhere he goes. His girlfriend thinks he looks like a gangster but Charlie loves it's air of sophisticated danger - which doesn't hurt when you only weigh 12lbs!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

On the Lookout for Ice Cream

On the Lookout, 8x10

Fred and Flutter spent the day at the park. It was great fun but awfully hot. They decided that an ice cream cone would cool them off nicely. So the hunt was on for an ice cream truck. They found one of course - what ice cream truck can avoid a crowded park on a hot summer's day?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Seek Out Good Things

Seek Out Good Things, 8x10

Who says that avoiding temptation is always a wise thing? Head for good things at full steam!!