Wednesday, April 20, 2011

At The Gallery A Third Time

At The Gallery No.3, 8x10

Inspired by a recent visit to the Art Gallery Silvie decided to become an artist. The fact that she had never before picked up a paint brush didn't intimidate her in the least. She ended up with far more paint in her fur than on the actual canvas but she thought it was a good start to her career. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


To celebrate one fabulous year on Etsy I'm having a sale. 20% off store wide!!...GO NOW...Hurry

Use code HAPPY1ST at checkout:)

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Spektacular Chihuahua

Spektacular Chihuahua, 8x10

In an attempt to impress the girl he had a crush on, Sebastian decided he needed to look wiser and more distinguished. He borrowed his older brothers glasses, even though they were much too big for him. He thought he could make it work.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thrift Store Find

Spektacular Bunny, 8x10

Robbie recently found these heart-shaped glasses at a thrift store. He felt they struck the right balance between serious scholar and fun-loving party animal. His girlfriend wasn't convinced but what could she say?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Childhood Dreams

Grey Rabbit, 8x10

When Simon was a child his Hippie parents hoped that he would become a famous poet or singer/songwriter. But what Simon loved to do the most was add and subtract numbers. He's now a happily settled accountant in Toronto.

Monday, April 11, 2011

At The Gallery a Second Time

At The Gallery No.2, 8x10

George felt he needed more culture in his life so he spent the day at the Art Gallery. He loved the bold colours of the modern art but for the life of him couldn't figure out what it all meant. He decided to go home and think about the meaning of Art with the help of a big cup of tea and a bigger slice of cake.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tough Decisions

Tough Decisions, 8x10

After trying all of her purses, Sophie still couldn't decide which purse best matched her outfit. Her friends didn't have the heart to tell her that her white fur matched ALL of the purses!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Got the Giggles

Got the Giggles, 8x10

By nature Silver the Kitten is a very serious fellow. For his 3 month Birthday he was given a pair of plastic antlers for his dress-up box. The first time he put them on he burst into great whoops of laughter. He laughed so much his stomach hurt! Now whenever the weight of his worries press down on his little shoulders he slips on his antlers and all is right with the world.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Frog In A Tea Cup

Frog In A Tea Cup, 8x10

For Newton, what started as a single sip at a friend's tea party developed into a full-fledged addiction. No longer content to just drink his tea he now enjoys taking his baths in a giant tea-filled cup.