Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Merry Christmas To All

I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a warm and wonderful Christmas. This year has been filled with broad strokes and colourful washes, and I know that 2011 will be even better! I'll begin posting again in the New Year.

Until then may you dream in watercolour and live your days as an art.
Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Welcoming Winter

Twilight on the Mountain, 7x5

It's the 21st and that means Winter is here to stay. Being Canadian I certainly know how many people hate Winter (but LOVE to complain about it!). Personally I've always loved Winter. The snow, the crisp clean air, the soft blue light cast over the city. To welcome Winter I plan to slip on an extra pair of wool socks, fill my hot water bottle to the brim and sip a mug of creamy hot chocolate.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Matter of Shades

Vintage Vacation in Shades of Teal, 10x8

I've always loved black and white vintage photographs. It's amazing how the subtle shades of a single colour can create all the depth in an image. I wanted to reproduce that look in watercolour. I started by finding a vintage vacation shot in colour. I then painted the image using just shades of teal. I think it's a process worth further experimentation. Perhaps I'll add a bit of complimentary colour to my next attempt.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

And The Winner Is...

A big BIG thank you to all of you who sent me your suggestions. I'm eager to sit down and start painting some new works.

So who won? A.K from Chicago!! She didn't want her name published online and I respect that wish. I've already contacted the winner and I'll mail out the gift certificate bright and early tomorrow morning.

Again a very big thank you to everyone!